Heroic Publishing
Gaming • Politics • Writing
For fans of Heroic Publishing's universe of comic book heroes, plus occasional commentary on culture, politics, gaming, and current events.
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The Flare/Lana anniversary edition is Kickstarting

The Flare/Lana kickstarter has launched! Hop on over, support this project, and choose your reward.

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What else you may like…

New on the Heroic Voice YouTube channel. It's an interview with Tim Burgard in which he discusses his plans for Heroic Publishing's demonic martial arts hero, Indigo.

We have our first page of color work from the talented Giuseppe Pica for the "Target Girl" story that will appear in Huntsman #9.

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We have a new page of Gordon Purcell artwork for Black Enchantress #7. On this page, Flare comes into the "Quest for Lady Arcane."

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